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放弃CABLE电视吧 用电脑看卫星电视就是爽 

放弃CABLE电视吧 用电脑看卫星电视就是爽

最近发现一个美国的新软件推荐给大家,我已经在用了,绝对流畅不卡,我家6兆宽带,光加拿大的频道就530多个,还有很多国家的频道,我就不说那么多了,发个图给大家参考,绝对值啊!晕 ~~图片发布上去,那我只能给大家一个连接了 自己去看看吧~反正我觉得挺不错的,省钱又省事。[url=http://www.satellitedirect.ca]http://www.satellitedirect.ca[/url] 这个是产品在加拿大的主页!
完全免费的东西?不大可能吧。 不然怎么地址还有PROMO的ID,去网站看了,倒是挺干净的。是不是用你的ID地址注册的你有啥奖励?
pps就够我看了  [s:201]
除非提供免费使用,否则我是不会买的。虽然只是ONE TIME FEE,鬼知道过了一个月两个月还有没有用了。
[table=100%][tr][td][table=100%][tr][td=1,1,65%][size=5][b]Satellitedirect.tv Complaint [/b][/size] [/td][/tr][/table][size=4][b]Satellitedirect.tv is just a scam and bloody rip off - Satellite TV direct through internet software / service [/b][/size] [/td][td=1,1,10][table=80px][tr][td][color=#555555][size=4][b]40[/b][/size][/color] [color=#555555]Helpful Votes[/color] [/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][table=100%][tr][td][i]Posted By: [url=http://www.my3cents.com/userBlog.cgi?id=103429]ra23[/url] on 9/14/2009 [/i][/td][td]    [img]http://www.my3cents.com/images/printer.gif[/img] Print    [img]http://www.my3cents.com/images/email.gif[/img] Email    [img]http://www.my3cents.com/images/bookmark2.gif[/img] Link/Share   [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td] Do not waste your money on this company. [url]www.satellite.[/url] TV promise unlimited access to 3500 TV channels including the major free Satellite channels. The Software does not connect, I tested it on Firefox, Internet Explorer, on my PC and my MAC powerbook. I should have listened to my first impuls which was "this is too good to be true". US Cable content costs money. Even in the US you pay 100 $ a month for cable. Therefor practically it can´t be cheaper than 100 $ a month. At least I haven´t found anything yet. When I reserached on satellitedirect. TV on google, all I found was the same raving "press release" over and over again. That is because satellitedirect. TV offers an "affiliate program" where people can earn money in a snowball-like system. They provide blocks of html code including keywords and banners on their website. The pure fact alone that they provide 10 pages to interested affiliates, but only very little on WHICH damn programs you can actually receive indicates: the product they are selling is just a frame without content. Shame on you guys! I am just wondering why no one offers a comprehensive no frills Internet TV solution without huge one time fees and crap. There is much money to be made, without having to rip off anybody.[/td][/tr][/table]
TV 老鼠会!!!!!!!!!! [s:200]
[quote]引用第8楼skydogs于2010-01-04 23:12发表的  : 请大家推荐最好的免费网络电视.[/quote] pplive, ppstream, pipifilm, qqlive, tvants这几个是我用过的国内最好的。老外的我不知道了,不看...sorry
[quote]引用第8楼skydogs于2010-01-04 23:12发表的 : 请大家推荐最好的免费网络电视.[/quote] 我都不看网络电视,就看看迅雷在线电影,现在还有720P的在线。要看电视节目,也有。 看电视大多数时间都浪费在广告上了。。。15分钟一个广告。。。
[quote]引用第11楼yw1015于2010-01-05 12:02发表的  : 我都不看网络电视,就看看迅雷在线电影,现在还有720P的在线。要看电视节目,也有。 看电视大多数时间都浪费在广告上了。。。15分钟一个广告。。。[/quote] 迅雷在线firefox右下三角显示紅色警告,可能有木馬.[s:200]
[quote]引用第13楼skydogs于2010-01-05 22:12发表的 : 迅雷在线firefox右下三角显示紅色警告,可能有木馬.[s:200][/quote] 你要是害怕就不要用咯。。。反正我都看了几年了。 FIREFOX所为的可能,应该只是因为用到了迅雷的程序而已。不然怎可能看到流畅的电影画面。
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