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[s:200] 個人做完手術戴了太陽眼鏡1個禮拜 之後就沒有戴了 後遺症的問題 我就從來沒有擔心 既然做了決定要做了 就不要後悔 相信自己的決定
If you want to do it, the followings are the most famous ones in Vancouver. They all have free consultation. I am going next monday to see Dr. Lin in pacific eye center. [url]http://www.pacific-laser.com/en/index.html[/url] Dr. Lin [url]http://www.seewell.ca/facility.html[/url] Dr. Steven Kerzler Please dont trust the one in New West. My personal opinion is if you want to do it, you should find the best doctors not the cheapest. You do not want to f*uck up your eyes for the future... Good luck
upstair...no..no.......the one in new west is not cheap at all, their no touch one is even expensive than  the 2 you have mentioned. [url]http://www.lasereye.com/contact[/url]  
[quote]引用第24楼kona于2010-05-08 19:35发表的  : If you want to do it, the followings are the most famous ones in Vancouver. They all have free consultation. I am going next monday to see Dr. Lin in pacific eye center. [url]http://www.pacific-laser.com/en/index.html[/url] Dr. Lin .......[/quote] For sure, but i strongly doubt that CAD$3000 would be the cheapest..[s:234] thanks anywayz hon
hmmm...if you guys do some research on eye surgery in Vancouver..u will know the two i mentioned is the most famous.. Also, i recommend you to do a free consultation first...because not everyone can do eye laser surgery..The current eye laser surgery has two different type PRK - takes longer to heal (around 1 week), older technology but good for people with thin eye corners and people play sports, minor pain Lasik - takes only 2-3 days to heal. not as painful as PRK, but not everyone is good candidate, newer technology I will go next Monday for consultation - i will let you know how it goes Sorry can not type Chinese in this computer -____-...
我在那里做过。5年前做得。 超好的。是我人生最对的一个选择。 好像如果我带你去,说你是我表妹,可以拿家人折扣。 500块
[quote]引用第28楼kona于2010-05-13 20:22发表的  : hmmm...if you guys do some research on eye surgery in Vancouver..u will know the two i mentioned is the most famous.. Also, i recommend you to do a free consultation first...because not everyone can do eye laser surgery..The current eye laser surgery has two different type PRK - takes longer to heal (around 1 week), older technology but good for people with thin eye corners and people play sports, minor pain .......[/quote] Monday? which one r u going? and yes, plz update us!!!!!! Thanks hon
[quote]引用第29楼mc5guy于2010-05-14 09:44发表的  : 我在那里做过。5年前做得。 超好的。是我人生最对的一个选择。 好像如果我带你去,说你是我表妹,可以拿家人折扣。 500块[/quote] 親, 真的嗎? 是New West那一家嗎? 還是哪一家?
[quote]引用第23楼joannavv于2010-05-06 22:25发表的  : [s:200] 個人做完手術戴了太陽眼鏡1個禮拜 之後就沒有戴了 後遺症的問題 我就從來沒有擔心 既然做了決定要做了 就不要後悔 相信自己的決定[/quote] 就是!!下次回国我也要去弄这近视眼!!
New West 那家。 我觉得真得效果很好哦。 已经介绍很多朋友去做了。 都打折了。 但是上次也是3年前了。 不知道还是不是一样。 你可以去问问。 如果还是有family discount 的话。我就陪你去好了
[quote]引用第33楼mc5guy于2010-05-14 23:13发表的  : New West 那家。 我觉得真得效果很好哦。 已经介绍很多朋友去做了。 都打折了。 但是上次也是3年前了。 不知道还是不是一样。 你可以去问问。 如果还是有family discount 的话。我就陪你去好了[/quote] 親有電話嗎? 或是網址地址什麼的? 男朋友的同事沒做了, 沒問到...
[quote]引用第33楼mc5guy于2010-05-14 23:13发表的  : New West 那家。 我觉得真得效果很好哦。 已经介绍很多朋友去做了。 都打折了。 但是上次也是3年前了。 不知道还是不是一样。 你可以去问问。 如果还是有family discount 的话。我就陪你去好了[/quote] mm 做的是那種?是no touch那種嗎?感覺怎樣?
new west 那家叫London eye,我朋友刚在那里做完,原本3000块,如果有客人refer就2500块
[quote]引用第36楼blackcard于2010-05-20 23:53发表的  : new west 那家叫London eye,我朋友刚在那里做完,原本3000块,如果有客人refer就2500块[/quote] 明天上班前晃過去問一下... 有人可以refer的嗎?[s:199]
搞得偶很心动 囧。。
我不敢做,听医生说视力越深做的越好,不知道真的假的.... 总觉得怕怕的.... NEW WEST那边我也听朋友说过. $3000刀 好象有个网站的.
上星期一去了pacific laser center Dr. Lin做了一个free consultation. 七月和老公一起去做。=0
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