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我是男生, 你要只找女朋友就算了,我也正在找女朋友。

回 5楼(hahalulin) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=hahalulin]hahalulin[/url][color=gray]:[/color]我是男生, 你要只找女朋友就算了,我也正在找女朋友。 [color=gray] (2011-12-23 23:03) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357317&pid=8164714][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 本人没说找女朋友。 我找普通男女朋友 :) 请加我qq 4647528
My son 22岁,成都人 He came to Canada at age 10. He can speak Chinese but cannot write Chinese.

回 8楼(ewei) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=ewei]ewei[/url][color=gray]:[/color]My son 22岁,成都人 He came to Canada at age 10. He can speak Chinese but cannot write Chinese. [color=gray] (2011-12-25 16:33) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357317&pid=8176950][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 0.o  本人27. 上班族。嘿嘿
He stays home and play with computer all the time. I hope he can go out have fun with friends, and find a girl friend.

回 10楼(ewei) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=ewei]ewei[/url][color=gray]:[/color]He stays home and play with computer all the time. I hope he can go out have fun with friends, and find a girl friend.[color=gray] (2011-12-25 19:44) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357317&pid=8177931][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] cut off his computer cable and tell him to get out of the house. my mom did that to me and it worked. the problem is most chinese parents are soft hearted
I prefer to encourage him to do more outdoor activities (like hiking, picnic...). I think some girls (and parents too) may also like to join such activities. Parents can stay together and yonth go together...

回 14楼(ewei) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=ewei]ewei[/url][color=gray]:[/color]I prefer to encourage him to do more outdoor activities (like hiking, picnic...). I think some girls (and parents too) may also like to join such activities. Parents can stay together and yonth go together... [color=gray] (2011-12-25 22:33) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357317&pid=8178987][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] guys in his age will not enjoy spending time with the parents you are doing everything for him. cut all sources of entertainment at home and force him to go out. Are you going to find girl for him? guess not.... :D
走嘛。 不会就是了。 可以学

回 16楼(floyd李) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=floyd李]floyd李[/url][color=gray]:[/color]滑学去不?[color=gray] (2011-12-28 09:55) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357317&pid=8196767][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 走嘛。 不会就是了。 可以学
重庆人路过, 打声招呼~[s:201]
重庆人路过, 打声招呼~[s:201]
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