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iphone 4 or liquid e 

iphone 4 or liquid e

最近剛剛把手機玩壞 FIDO有這兩隻送 麻煩對這兩隻有了解的朋友來介紹一下吧 謝謝各位大蝦
iphone 4
沒辦法沒辦法 是FIDO送的 現在要挑一隻拿 有哪隻手機可以同時上QQ MSN 恩跟SKYE嗎
终于要换了?IP4吧, 如果你不嫌月费高点, 比较简单. 虽然我喜欢Android OS, 但是那Liquid E手感实在是太差了
[quote]引用第3楼crkyeh于2010-10-16 15:20发表的  : 沒辦法沒辦法 是FIDO送的 現在要挑一隻拿 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263224&pid=6075659][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] IP4可以, 但是那个不是真正的multi-task Apple only allows certain app to be able to run in background such as Pandora radio. IP4's so called "multi-task" is more like an app switcher so when the app is brought to background it remembers where you left off and next time it got brought up you will be at where you left off. If it's true multi-tasking you will need a task killer, IP doesn't have that and it doesn't need one because it's not true multi-task.
that sucks big time ...u got an old cell i can borrow for a few day s ? maybe going w/ samsung G captive ... but that would mean i have to change to rogers. ... or i might join u w/ wind M ..... havn't check wind out yet ....
那有啥手機好用的... 幫我推薦一下吧.... 要不窩把ip4賣掉再買之二手的回家玩 ~ [s:201][s:201] o and yes I NEED chins input ... so that just puts bb out of the picture ...
[quote]引用第6楼crkyeh于2010-10-16 15:36发表的  : that sucks big time ...u got an old cell i can borrow for a few day s ? maybe going w/ samsung G captive ... but that would mean i have to change to rogers. ... ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263224&pid=6075681][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 早没了,WIND的话没什么好手机,XT720貌似可以, 但是贵了点,spec不怎么样 Captivate不错, Galaxy系列的, 要不就Bell的Vibrant, 4"大屏. 听说不久还会有个HTC Desire Z, 你可以google看看spec
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