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请问学生签证怎么转旅游签证 谢谢 

请问学生签证怎么转旅游签证 谢谢

大概需要什么材料, 时间大概需要多长,,请了解或已经办过的回答一下,,,,,谢谢
可是我非常不明白,为什么学生身份想要变成VISITOR呢??变成VISITOR以后你就不能FULL TIME学习了~~~以后想再转回STUDENT PERMIT就比较麻烦~~
[quote]引用第3楼妞咕于2010-11-25 12:12发表的 : 可是我非常不明白,为什么学生身份想要变成VISITOR呢??变成VISITOR以后你就不能FULL TIME学习了~~~以后想再转回STUDENT PERMIT就比较麻烦~~ [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=267612&pid=6171731][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 版主,那这个意思是呐VISTOR VISA也可以上学,就是不能FULL TIME是么?
[quote]引用第4楼q_tips于2010-11-25 14:01发表的 : 因为我不想读了!准备结婚!但学签快过期!怕在这段时间没签证!所以转一个旅游!这样可行不? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=267612&pid=6171880][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我跟你同样问题 我也不知道怎么办呢
[quote]引用第5楼latte于2010-11-27 08:20发表的  : 版主,那这个意思是呐VISTOR VISA也可以上学,就是不能FULL TIME是么? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=267612&pid=6175309][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 这个是移民局官员回复我客户的原话,供你参考: Generally, if you want to study in Canada, you need a Study Permit. As an exception, you can study in Canada without a study permit if: · [color=#FF0000]the length of your course or program of study is six months or less; and · you will complete your course or program of study within the time period you have been allowed to stay in Canada[/color]. These short-term courses include self-improvement or general interest courses, such as painting or language courses. You are also allowed to take courses offered at colleges and universities, as long as the courses are not taken as part of a program. Please note that you must apply for a study permit if the main reason for your visit or for your request to extend your stay in Canada is to study.
学生签证是study permit旅游签证是visitor visa两种不是一个类别啊
如果想从学生签证变到visitor 可以通过CIC申请. 相应的表格叫作 “Applying to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada - visitor ” 你可以搜搜看,里面的解释挺详细的。
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