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想和职业女性认识,希望她年龄四十到五十,北京人更好,限于交友。. I am   professional male, working in downtown.
愿意的话,聊点啥? 心情是一样的。

回 1楼(sillyblue) 的帖子

在这里上班,成工作狂了,上网,看书,中文的迅速游览,英文的用字典陪着。 甚至希望国际上有点BREAKING NEWS让生活有点关注。 what are you doing here? do you mind  it? cheers

回 2楼(cathyfan) 的帖子

看到那么多情侣,不知道能否白头到老。 也许是婚姻不在那么神圣的原因是大家对天长地久失去了信心。 加上婚姻财产的法律纠纷。

回 2楼(cathyfan) 的帖子

达赖喇嘛,刘小坡 应该是北京人爱谈的话题

回 1楼(sillyblue) 的帖子

went to 1338 w Broadway for visa today. back beijing in Christmas. The birth day is not correct on my profile, don't know if it show  on website . It was 1953. Sorry for  "privacy reason" Thanks your picture. simmon

Re:回 1楼(sillyblue) 的帖子

[quote]引用第6楼89cameron于2010-11-19 16:18发表的 回 1楼(sillyblue) 的帖子 : went to 1338 w Broadway for visa today. back beijing in Christmas. The birth day is not correct on my profile, don't know if it show  on website . It was 1953. Sorry for  "privacy reason" Thanks your picture. ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=265836&pid=6159348][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] It doesn't really matter. It's not a bad idea to talk with different people.

回 7楼(sillyblue) 的帖子

Hi,Sillyblue Appreciated of the understanding. I 'v been in canada10years, from a "labour " to office, and became to a single from a married man  . anyway, I like my job, enjoy it, it is part of my life. how long you been in van? satisfied with your life and career? any plan for future. keep silent if   it is private. best wish simmon

Re:回 7楼(sillyblue) 的帖子

[quote]引用第8楼89cameron于2010-11-20 11:04发表的 回 7楼(sillyblue) 的帖子 : Hi,Sillyblue Appreciated of the understanding. I 'v been in canada10years, from a "labour " to office, and became to a single from a married man  . anyway, I like my job, enjoy it, it is part of my life. how long you been in van? satisfied with your life and career? ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=265836&pid=6161079][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 不用那么小心啊,随便聊聊吧 我做会计,听起来有点无聊,不过还很适合我的。工作很独立,也不累,收入也过得去。 哦,回答问题: 我在这儿7、8年了,还算喜欢这里。

回 9楼(真爱飘渺) 的帖子

of cause, 当然了,要再早点就更好了,有机会参加二战啦战

回 10楼(sillyblue) 的帖子

是个很流行的女性职业,进这个行也不容易吧。 自己当老板还是做职员? 778 883 7416
谢谢你的回帖,我在温哥华生活了20多年了,很喜欢,适应这里的一切。By the way, 我和你在婚姻上的看法是一致的

回 13楼(cathyfan) 的帖子

20 years, you have been settled in van, do you live with some of your family?

回 14楼(89cameron) 的帖子

if you dont mind,  I rather talk to you else where.  maybe MSN?
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