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好多人分享爭取到的FIDO好計畫~ 大家也來分享Rogers的吧~ 

我又回来了~今儿打去问~因为我的才2年多~说是torch的话, 机子是279-50+35(说是签手机还是虾米的)=264 其实这块我没太搞清楚~晕 3年 student plan 40刀 150mins weekdays 9:00pm 后unlimited Facebook*&msn之类的unlimited(想问下,如果我download手机的qq,这个会算流量么) text unlimited 然后有4个选项 1。my five 2.rogers  to rogers&fido free 3.double~就是150mins×2=300mins 4.6:00pm unlimited 首先我是觉得机子贵啦~大家有没有便宜拿到的?3年计划倒是无所谓了~因为3年后肯定还在这~ 不明白2.rogers  to rogers&fido free的意思~ 不好意思~我都不太懂~麻烦大家解答下,还有出出招咯
我是 City Fido unlimited $30的計劃, 日間, 晚上和WEEKEND無限通話... include VOICE MAIL跟2500條TEXT MSG 的PACKAGE, 包來電顯示, 加911費用加Tax.算下來only $35. Anyone has better than this ??????
Wireless plan: 55 Unlimited Eve/Wknd Minutes 250 Weekday Minutes 6PM Early Eve. Calling Option 2500 text message rogers to rogers/rogers to fido free call display free who called, 500 mb data Gov't Regulatory Recovery Fee         +$2.43/month 一个月税后60多块。 这个是没怎么说的时候给的,那天在开车,其实像有个网友说的,只有和他们的customer relation department聊才有结果,他们可以给到最低17.5的plan+10块的data。。。超级变态,我女朋友的是包税35,250day time+500mb data+unlimited incoming+ unlimited weekend/evening+rogers to rogers/rogers to fido+call display +unlimited message.这个是6年前的ubc学生计划。。。变态啊变态
一共57+税: 300 day time minutes free evenings + weekends from 6pm-8am unlimited incoming unlimited rogers/fido voice mail call display 2500 outgoing + 2500 incoming text messages 6GB data 虽然我用电话用得多,但这个plan是多得一辈子都用不完超不过的。。。我觉得我应该去减少一个项目,看能不能再便宜些。
[quote]引用第41楼tanik于2010-11-30 16:14发表的  : 我又回来了~今儿打去问~因为我的才2年多~说是torch的话, 机子是279-50+35(说是签手机还是虾米的)=264 其实这块我没太搞清楚~晕 3年 student plan 40刀 150mins weekdays 9:00pm 后unlimited ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=262977&pid=6182017][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] free rogers to rogers & fido的意思就是说如果对方是rogers或fido,你给他们通话就是免费无限的。 我没用blackberry,我签的3年合同有个$150-$50(rebate)=$100的android phone. +$35 mobile upgrade fee. 不过我把它卖了,我已经有个另外的android phone了。我用的电话的选择范围很少:不喜欢blackberry,不喜欢iphone, 差不多只能用android了。
我回來囉..!! 剛剛打完電話.... 那人說我your plan is already really good actually. I cannot touch that plan at all.... 她說我的$17.5plan 已經是最好的基本計畫...加上我有free early evening call, $10 off everymonth. 講到最後她offer我一個新的student plan. 1G data My10 200min day time unlimited 6pm~7am and weekends caller ID unlimited txt n image msgs. 稅後57塊多... 手機價錢也完全不肯減.... 你們覺得如何阿?
unlimited between rogers + fido 1000 weekend 2500 msg call display caller id voice mail $25.75 +tax
[quote]引用第38楼supersissi于2010-11-07 15:39发表的  : 我原来的计划差不多85 税后 前亮天打 *888 去吵架了  于是有了个好计划 my data plan is $30 for 6GB   ( i didnt change this) Wireless plan: 17.5/month ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=262977&pid=6133167][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 为什么我一样的计划  非要收我8刀来电显示。。。你这个计划有换手机么?
[quote]引用第44楼lindy于2010-12-01 20:32发表的  : 一共57+税: 300 day time minutes free evenings + weekends from 6pm-8am unlimited incoming unlimited rogers/fido ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=262977&pid=6184689][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我问的ROGERS和这个差不多  但是只有100条短信  不过我也够用了。。  
I think unless you have those "grand-father" contract, otherwise, it's hard to get a good deal now
what,s mean of grand father contract
前几天刚换了一个,跟你们的对比无比坑爹啊。。 150 weekday minutes unlimited evening & weekend minutes unlimited sent & received message text IM email picture & video $35.35 还收了我35块activation fee 有时间去店里找那啊x去
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