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[size=3]Friday morning, of course I was happy.  Who wouldn't be? Well, the poor souls who have to work Saturdays perhaps. But  I was having an excellent day.  During work, I even had spare time to help my friend finish an online assignment due today. We shall call this friend...小寶. The package that I was receiving for 小寶 arrived today at the office as well; in other words, I had an excuse to see 小寶 today, which I did after work. Afterward, I did some major grocery shopping at Osaka.  It's for a dinner I'm doing tomorrow for my high-school friends.  Nope, no one's birthday. Just because I felt like it.  I did invite [/size][size=3]小寶, but [/size][size=3]小寶 felt uncomfortable seeing unfamiliar faces.  I understand. As I was en route home on Oak bridge, [/size][size=3]小寶 called me to go online for ICC. Yes WoWers, 你們看對了, Icecrown Citadel.  While online, messages passed between us.  All of a sudden, I snapped to something [/size][size=3]小寶 said, as if I was possessed.  I didn't want to say anything I'd regret.  So my only solution was to ditch [/size][size=3]小寶 and log off. I was upset so naturally I called someone.  Someone I shouldn't have called, and that didn't go too well neither.  There I sat on my yellow love-seat and 發ed some serious 呆.  Then I got up and started preparations for tomorrow's dinner.  I guess whatever possessed me got bored. I'm used to being alone.  I live alone; I have been for months now.  What the hell is the matter with me?  Why can't I just be content for the love of my God...who has been ignoring me lately.  i believe my weekend sanity is in the hands of my beloved high-school friends. 我請你們來我家吃飯, 你們最好是救救我, 不然你們有好戲看了.  到現在, 只有小寶一直常常吃我煮的, 你看你們多好命...ungrateful children. [/size]
man shit... i thought i was the one having problems =.= aiiiiii... umm... same advice? take it easy yo...
[quote]引用第3楼darkscythe于2010-07-24 08:35发表的  : man shit... i thought i was the one having problems =.= aiiiiii... umm... same advice? take it easy yo... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=254454&pid=5892503][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Diu Lei
很好, 大家都蠻開心的 [s:201]
I shall return for Cataclysm, actually, probably not. [s:179] My account expired a half year ago.
cant slp...OMGWTFBBQ
半夜做梦还好 比白天梦好多了  我前天上班由于没活太过无聊在那里睡着了~~~~~~[s:198][s:179]
For God's sake....take some Prozac....
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