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急!有谁最近参加入籍考试,情况能否交流一下。不胜感激! 如有帮助,日后一定有偿感谢。 6月23日就要去参加考试了!!! 联系电话:604-295-7566
[url]http://www.immigration.ca/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=475&title=discover-canada-post-sample-qs-here[/url] I posted all the questions they asked me there. You can read the other ppl's posts about what was in the exam. The whole day went pretty easy My test was at 1015, i got there around 930. They didn't let us in until 10am. So i was reading the book again and waiting downstairs. Around 10am, they let us in and checked the invitation letter for test and id. After that, they showed us where to sit and we started filling out our personal information (they have pencils there). The test started at 1015. I finished in 5 minutes and i was the second one handed in the exam. After the exam, we were told wait in the waiting area to see the officer to verify the stamps on ALL MY PASSPORTS INCLUDING EXPIRED ONES. Maybe i finished the exam early, i got to see the officer pretty quick. he was very nice and checked the stamps on my passport. He also asked me what do i do - I am a Chartered Accountant. And he asked me how long have i been a CA. I said i just got qualified. He said congrats and thats it. He said i should wait around 2-3 months for oath date. The whole process is easy. If you read the book, you can ace the exam.  Good luck
[quote]引用第1楼kona于2010-06-19 17:10发表的 : [url]http://www.immigration.ca/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=475&title=discover-canada-post-sample-qs-here[/url] I posted all the questions they asked me there. You can read the other ppl's posts about what was in the exam. The whole day went pretty easy ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=250521&pid=5820157][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 谢谢给我提供的参考题!但是我心里还是没有数。尽我的努力,但愿能顺利通过,不枉费好心人的帮助!
看好那本书,做会网上题,那就非常非常简单.入籍考试我就看了4天,没有参加任何入籍班,考前也是非常担心,但考后感觉我是全对.如果你是技术移民的话,那个考试题就象个小学生考题. 绝对不用担心.
关于入籍考试。。。 本贴为了感谢本人为入籍考试发帖求助,给予回帖的热心朋友我也要象你们一样为后面要应试的人提供尽我所能的有关信息。 首先说明我英文很差,而且接到考试通知后才看资料的,主要方法是做网上的题和看那本discover guide反复看和做题。 要问都考些什么题,因考题有好几份不同试卷,我那份凭我记忆:1,关于国歌的 2,那个省是最大的产oil 和gas 3,选举方面内容,记不清具体问题 4,加国最高荣誉奖 5,QC省主要出产什么 。真的不好意思,共20题,很多题我根本不知问什么,只是做题多,不管他问的啥,让你选择,那么提前看过就知道那个是正确的。我只能提供这点信息,仅供参考。        在Richmond granville有一套3房公寓出租,有需要或朋友之间互通一下信息。电话:604- 295 -7566
我是7月6 考的。题目不难。但有点绕

回 6楼(pinkwitch) 的帖子

我想和大家确认一下,考试是不是就是看一个PDF 文件,是从CIC website上download下来,一共事64页,叫discovery canada?因为我还在国内,怕看错考试资料,谢谢啦
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