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亞洲小姐競選溫哥華賽區現正報名中! (818 Channel 獨家承辦) 

亞洲小姐競選溫哥華賽區現正報名中! (818 Channel 獨家承辦)

[size=4][b][backcolor=#FF6600]*~~~~~ 贊助商請聯繫604-767-3332詢問詳情 SPONSORS Please contact 604-767-3332 for more details[/backcolor][/b][/size] *~~~~~ 由818 Channel 獨家承辦的 2010亞洲小姐海外佳麗競選-溫哥華現正接受報名中! 您不需要準備任何的才藝,只要您符合參選規則上的條件就可以免費參加! 通過參加亞洲小姐,您有機會成為香港亞洲電視的簽約演員,成為亞洲的明日之星! *~~~~~ 818 Channel會提供入選佳麗一連串的專業培訓,讓您可以從本次選美中學到更多的東西。 *~~~~~ 報名費用全免! 截止日期: 2010年6月23日 如果您或者您身邊的朋友符合下列條件的話就不要再猶豫了!趕快報名吧。 *~~~~~ 報名方式: (報名表格可以與我索取,請把您的電郵地址用短訊發送給我) 請把報名表格通過郵寄或直接交回818 Channel: 818 Channel Media Inc., #6615-8181 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3X9, Canada 或者您可以 網上報名: [url]www.818channel.com[/url] *~~~~~ 歷屆的亞洲小姐,現任的影視巨星: 楊恭如 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E6%A5%8A%E6%81%AD%E5%A6%82[/url]) 翁虹 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E7%BF%81%E8%99%B9[/url]) 張文慈 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%BC%B5%E6%96%87%E6%85%88[/url]) 陳寶蓮 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E9%99%88%E5%AE%9D%E8%8E%B2[/url]) 袁潔儀 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E8%A2%81%E6%BD%94%E5%84%80[/url]) 智利 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%88%A9%E6%99%BA[/url]) 姚佳雯 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%A7%9A%E4%BD%B3%E9%9B%AF[/url]) 呂晶晶 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%91%82%E6%99%B6%E6%99%B6[/url]) 張家螢 ([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%BC%B5%E5%AE%B6%E7%91%A9[/url]) 賴琳恩([url]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E8%B3%B4%E7%90%B3%E6%81%A9[/url]) 等... *~~~~~ 歷屆冠軍: 1.1985 : Eva Lai - 黎燕珊 (Hong Kong) 2.1986 : Nina Li - 利智 (Hong Kong) 3.1987 : Dorothy Yau - 邱月清 (Hong Kong) 4.1988 : LOH Pui - 樂蓓 (Hong Kong) 5.1989 : Yvonne Yung - 翁虹 (Hong Kong) 6.1990 : Elaine Ng - 吳綺莉 (Hong Kong) 7.1991 : Carolayne Lo - 羅霖 (Hong Kong) 8.1992 : Adela Fung - 馮美英 (Hong Kong) 9.1993 : Kelly Au - 區淑貞 (Hong Kong) 10.1994 : Lily Lee - 李妮 (Hong Kong) 11.1995 : Kristy Yang - 楊恭如 (Canada) 12.1996 : Alice Chan - 陳煒 (Hong Kong) 13.1997 : Belinda Hamnett - 韓君婷 (Hong Kong) 14.1998 : Losa Law - 羅麗莎 (Hong Kong) 15.1999 : Teresa Lau - 樓茜妮 (Hong Kong) 16.2004 : Coffee Lu - 呂晶晶 (China) 17.2005 : Kitty Wang - 王磊 (China) 18.2006 : Daryna Shevchenko (Kazakhstan) 19.2007 : Grace Cheung - 張家瑩 (Hong Kong) 20.2008 : Eunis Yao - 姚佳雯 (Hong Kong) 21.2009 : Xu Ying - 许莹 (China) *~~~~~ 2010 亞洲小姐競選 (海外佳麗 – 溫哥華) 參選規則 I. 參賽者資格: 1、 年齡18-26歲(以公曆2010年8月1日當日計算)的女性。 2、 持有香港特區政府認可的旅遊證件。 3、 從未結婚或懷孕。 4、 不能夠有任何的紋身 5、 身高為160公分以上 6、 中學程度。 7、 無犯罪記錄 (溫哥華選區,第二輪甄選需要提出書面証明)。 8、 從未做出被818 Channel Media Inc.及亞洲電視認為導致其自身、其他參賽者或令818 Channel Media Inc.或亞洲電視名譽受損的行為。 9、 經合資格提名人提名。 10、 不受任何合約或安排約束以致不能簽署第IV(3)段所述之合約及履行第IV(3)及或IV(4)段所述之責任及義務。 11、 非818 Channel Media Inc.及亞洲電視及其附屬機構的職藝員 II. 提名人資格: 於2010年8月1日年滿18歲(以公曆計算)/持有香港特區政府認可的有效旅遊證件/非818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視及其附屬機構的職藝員/每位提名人最多只能提名兩位參賽者/參賽者的父母或親屬均可作提名人。 III. 報名辦法: 參賽者必須填妥參賽表格交回或寄回下列地址: 818 Channel Media Inc., #6615-8181 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3X9, Canada 電話: 604-639-5433 / 傳真: 604-278-5356 / 截止報名日期: 2010年6月23日 (郵寄將以郵戳為準) 參賽表格須附有參賽者半身及全身3R彩色近照各1張/ [請於照片背面寫上姓名] 或者,直接在[url]www.818channel.com[/url] 網上報名 IV. 甄選: 818 Channel Media Inc. 將作初步甄選並邀請部份參賽者進入初步面試,初步面試時參賽者必須提供下列文件: 參賽者的有效香港特區政府認可的有效旅遊證件正本及副本一份;學歷證明文件的正本及副本一份;提名人及監護人(如有需要)的有效香港特區政府認可的有效旅遊證件副本一份。818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視有權於任何時間要求參賽者出示居住證明文件)參賽者於初步面試時需要填報一份問卷。 在完成初步面試後,818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視有絕對權挑選進入決賽的人選;所有獲挑選者必須與818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視簽署參賽合約,同意遵守所有附加之規定。有所獲挑選者必須出席由818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視安排的有關活動,包括但不限於訪問、造型、培訓課程、綵排、競選、宣傳、推廣等。進入決賽者不能中途退出。 V. 資料保障: 已遞交的參賽表格、照片及文件副本將不獲發還。但未被挑選進入決賽者、其提名人及監護人的個人資料將在決賽後1星期內銷毀。所有參賽者同意,818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視在不抵觸第V(1)段的情況下可以: 在宣傳、推廣、尋找贊助商等與競選有關的活動上,使人他們的個人資料;在任何地方製作及展示與比賽有關的節目時,使人他們的做人資料;為實現上述目的而向第三者披露有關資料;及為實現上述目的而保存有關資料。 VI. 其他: 818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視有權因應情況而轄免或放寬第1段內的任何參賽資格;此參賽規則及表格分別以中、英文擬定,如有衝突、則以英文版本為準;818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視保留權利因應情況隨時修改或刪除任何參賽規則。如參賽者虛報資料或違反任何參賽規則或參賽合約的條款,818 Channel Media Inc. 及亞洲電視有權於任何時間取消其參賽資格。 *~~~~~ Rules and Regulations Eligibility for Applicant: 1. Natural female, aged between 18-26 on August 1, 2010. 2. Holder of a valid travel document recognized by the Hong Kong SAR Government. 3. Has never been married or pregnant. 4. No tattoo. 5. Height: 160 CM or above. 6. Completed secondary education. 7. No criminal record. (Criminal check document required in second audition in Vancouver conference) 8. Never conducts herself in a manner which, in the opinion of 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV, brings or tends to bring her, other Applicants or 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV into disrepute, ridicule or contempt. 9. Having been nominated by an eligible Nominator. 10. Not bound by any agreement or arrangement preventing her from signing the contract stated in paragraph IV(3) and performing the obligation stated in paragraph IV(3) and / or IV(4) 11. Not being an employee or artist of 818 Channel Media Inc. and / or ATV and its subsidiaries. Eligibility for Nominator: Must be over 18 years of age on August 1, 2010; Holder of a valid travel document recognized by the Hong Kong SAR Government; Not being an employee or artist of 818 Channel Media Inc. and / or ATV and its subsidiaries; Each Nominator may nominate a maximum of two Applicants; Parents or relatives of the Applicant are permissible. Entry Procedure: Applicant must complete and return by hand or post the Application Form to the following address: 818 Channel Media Inc., #6615-8181 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3X9, Canada Tel 604-639-5433 / Fax 604-278-5356. Each Application Form must be accompanied by two recent 3R size color photos of the Applicant, one head shot and one full length shot (with the Applicant’s name written on the photo’s back) Selection: 818 Channel Media Inc. will have a preliminary screen and invite part of the Applicants to attend the preliminary interviews. Each Applicant so invited must produce the following documents upon the preliminary interview: the original and one photocopy of her valid travel document recognized by the Hong Kong SAR Government. the original and one photocopy of each of her educational certificates. one photocopy of her Nominator’s and her guardian’s (if necessary) valid Hong Kong Identity Card or a valid travel document recognized by the Hong Kong SAR Government. (818 Channel Media Inc. & ATV may require Applicants to produce proof of residence at any time.) ; Applicants will be required to complete a questionnaire during the preliminary interviews; Upon completion of the preliminary interviews, 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV may select some Applicants to participate in the final contest at its discretion. All Applicants so selected will be required to enter into agreements with 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV subject themselves to any additional rules and regulations 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV may impose; Applicants so selected must attend all activities required by 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV including but not limited to interviews, grooming, training sessions, rehearsals, event proper, related publicity and promotional activities etc.; Final contestants shall not be allowed to withdraw from the contest at any time. Data Protection: All Application Forms, photos and photocopies of documents submitted are not returnable. All personal information of those applicants who has not been selected to the final contest, their Nominators and guardians will be destroyed within one week after the final contest; All Applicants hereby consent that, subject to paragraph V(1), 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV may: use their personal information in any promotional, marketing, sponsor-searching and other activities relating to the contest; use their personal information when producing and exhibiting the programmes of the contest anywhere; disclose their personal information to any third parties for any of the aforesaid purposes; and retain their personal information for any of the aforesaid purposes. Others: 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV may waive or relax any criterion as stipulated in paragraph I under special circumstances. The Rules and Regulations and Application Form are in both Chinese and English. In the event of conflict, the English version shall prevail. 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV reserve the right to amend and / or cancel any of the Rules and Regulations as and when it deems expedient or necessary to do so. 818 Channel Media Inc. and ATV has the right to disqualify any Applicant from participation in the contest at any time if she provides false or misleading information or breaches any of the Rules and Regulations and / or any of the terms and conditions of the relevant agreements.
更多更新的照片以及視頻請加入我們Facebook的活動首頁! [url]http://www.facebook.com/?tid=1370297661439&sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=128756430478482[/url]
[quote]引用第2楼woidoudou于2010-06-10 16:04发表的  : 替我未来10年后出生的女儿报名,可以提前预约吗?[s:201] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=249555&pid=5799145][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 好的,如果世界沒在2012毀滅,我給他在亞洲小姐2038留個位置 :)
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