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[font=黑体]昨天晚上我和2个姐妹在starbucks 里聊天刚好谈到了一个人,然后我们突然很好奇的想问男同胞们这么一个问题 [b]你在vansky 上遇到过女网友from  hell 么? [/b]希望你们能够 拿出你们在vansky 上多年的经验出来分享一下。 情况如下: 你单独和一个性格很“特殊” aka (恐怖)  的女网友见面吃饭请描述一下当时的情况和情景 [/font][font=黑体] [color=#ff6600]两人做了网友多久+联系方式如何+见面之前看过彼此的照片么+ 两人在哪里见面,见面后做了什么,+女网友哪里“[/color][b][color=#ff6600]特别[/color][/b][color=#ff6600]” [/color][/font][font=黑体][color=#ff6600]+后来是否还有联系 [/color][/font][font=黑体] [/font][font=黑体]欢迎用mj 来回复,但是请不要编写。 [/font][font=黑体] [/font][font=黑体]谢谢您的参与[/font]
哈哈~interesting idea~
[quote]引用第2楼mirv于2010-05-17 00:18发表的  : 我觉着把名字改成“男同胞”比较妥贴……[/quote]  as u wish~[s:200]
[quote]引用楼主bunnyface于2010-05-16 23:58发表的 男同胞们请进~ : [font=黑体]昨天晚上我和2个姐妹在starbucks 里聊天刚好谈到了一个人,然后我们突然很好奇的想问男同胞们这么一个问题 [b]你在vansky 上遇到过女网友from  hell 么? [/b]希望你们能够 拿出你们在vansky 上多年的经验出来分享一下。 .......[/quote] i remember jessica and i shared 2 A&W teen burgers in the ubc cafeteria and shes most certainly not from hell, perhaps cast outside from heaven
hahaha 我還沒試過
Are you talking about who I think you are talking about?
[quote]引用第5楼倚梦公子于2010-05-17 01:37发表的 : i remember jessica and i shared 2 A&W teen burgers in the ubc cafeteria and shes most certainly not from hell, perhaps cast outside from heaven[/quote] 1) Since when was there a A&W in UBC?  SUB?  The Village?  Old Admin building? 2) An outcast from Heaven.  That's some description.  I've heard some pretty positive things about Jessica from Bunnyface, too.
如果我说出了她的description,那直接就是把她id说出来了,我还是不说了,哈哈,当时的确有点雷到, [s:204]
[quote]引用第9楼kamikazez于2010-05-17 11:20发表的 : 如果我说出了她的description,那直接就是把她id说出来了,我还是不说了,哈哈,当时的确有点雷到, [s:204][/quote] please pm id name or info~ thanks~[s:264]
[quote]引用第10楼bunnyface于2010-05-17 14:26发表的  : please pm id name or info~ thanks~[s:264][/quote] why u need to know this anyway??
说真的, 我没看懂楼主说啥
[quote]引用第13楼曹吉利于2010-05-17 17:42发表的  : 说真的, 我没看懂楼主说啥[/quote] LZ在说你有见过一个雷到你的女网友吗
[quote]引用第14楼kamikazez于2010-05-17 18:58发表的 : LZ在说你有见过一个雷到你的女网友吗[/quote] 显然。昨晚她就跟我说了。
[quote]引用第8楼fairladyz于2010-05-17 08:02发表的  : 1) Since when was there a A&W in UBC?  SUB?  The Village?  Old Admin building? .......[/quote] since always, its always there in the sub
[quote]引用第17楼恶魔头头~于2010-05-17 21:39发表的  : 有见到过像杀人犯的女的...吓死我了..[/quote] 这里多的是~~
[quote]引用第16楼倚梦公子于2010-05-17 19:46发表的 : since always, its always there in the sub[/quote] I didn't know that?  In my days, there was a piano in the sub.  And a Subway in the sub.  That was it.
[quote]引用第19楼fairladyz于2010-05-17 22:56发表的  : I didn't know that?  In my days, there was a piano in the sub.  And a Subway in the sub.  That was it.[/quote] things r changing so fast, arent they [s:204]
an interesting life would lead to such question  [s:200]  [s:201]  [s:199]
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