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        这个世界上是有这样一些男人的。   他们不帅,身材不好,学习一般,家境凑活。   偶尔幽默,时常伤感,喜欢美女,知识渊博。   就是这样一群充满了人格魅力的家伙,他们或许还有个特点。   心里有着执着喜欢的女生,称之为精神上恋爱的永恒对象。   身边还有可爱的,美丽的,善良的女子围绕着。   哪天走了桃花,还能在碰见个把另类女子,继而保持联系。   直到有一天遇到真爱,并且这个真爱也爱着他。   而之前的一系列女生,就开是漫长的暧昧关系。   也许在伤心时背着女友给她们谁表白。   也许在短信里称呼她们谁谁亲爱的而不让女友知道。   也许在聚会和她们开着不大不小的暧昧玩笑。   这些其实没什么,对他们来说。   他们是真的希望世界上所有的女子,至少他认识并了解的优秀女子和自己就着样一直暧昧下去。   自私但是可爱。   直到有一天,终于和女友分手了。   他告诉自己,其实她才是自己最爱的,才会在某个时刻让自己瞬间就留下眼泪来。   他不愿意放弃,但是也没有办法。   只有继续保持这样暧昧的关系来安慰,或者麻痹自己。   也许背着她的新男友两人约会。   也许在大街上牵手,而不让她不在场的男友知道。   也许要求彼此拥抱体味熟悉的感觉。   这其实也没什么,对他们来说。   可是他们并不知道,很多事就在他们暧昧间随指尖溜走了。   暧昧这东西好像毒品,你染上了就无法自拔。   你总想着集万千宠爱于一身,可是到头来,得到的只是那些女子某个孤单瞬间留下的一滴泪罢了。   多么不值得。   男人可以潇洒,可是还是不要去玩暧昧的好。   毕竟,我们玩不起那些。
[quote]暧昧这东西好像毒品,你染上了就无法自拔。[/quote] Good post. There are two reasons for people being vague 1, don't know what they want, and what good for them. 2, don't have the courage to pursue what they want or what good for them openly. Disadvantages for being vague: 1, destructive self-hypnosis and self-deception. 2, unstoppable struggle for meaning of life. 3, entangled self development and personal growth. 4, man-child image Being vague in relationships is bad; being vague in life is even worse. Why would people want to do that then? Because being vague is quick and easy, and requires little to none commitment. Self-reflective thinking and growing up are the only way out.
[quote]引用第3楼定远于2010-04-12 02:50发表的  : 某位朋友可否用中文?这里不是英文学习园地...谢谢~[/quote] wow, that's a very vague comment. Jokes aside, what's wrong with using English, and please contribute to OP's topic if you would like.
[quote]引用第4楼eddeng于2010-04-12 04:40发表的 : wow, that's a very vague comment. Jokes aside, what's wrong with using English, and please contribute to OP's topic if you would like.[/quote] I'll 2nd that.  What's with people voting against posting in English?  I thought Vancouver is free city to speak whatever language you wish. For me, it's faster to type in abc.  Now what's wrong with that.
暧昧是火,玩火迟早会自焚的。 你和那些女生暧昧的终极原因其实就是你还不是那么喜欢,那么爱她们,如果你真的喜欢她们,就不会和她们玩暧昧,并且是背着你的女友玩暧昧,不可原谅~
[quote]引用第6楼小熊跳舞于2010-04-12 17:32发表的  : 暧昧是火,玩火迟早会自焚的。 你和那些女生暧昧的终极原因其实就是你还不是那么喜欢,那么爱她们,如果你真的喜欢她们,就不会和她们玩暧昧,并且是背着你的女友玩暧昧,不可原谅~[/quote] I agree. Men who like being vague think they are cool, but they are really just sabotaging their personal growth and long term happiness.
[quote]引用第6楼小熊跳舞于2010-04-12 17:32发表的  : 暧昧是火,玩火迟早会自焚的。 你和那些女生暧昧的终极原因其实就是你还不是那么喜欢,那么爱她们,如果你真的喜欢她们,就不会和她们玩暧昧,并且是背着你的女友玩暧昧,不可原谅~[/quote] [quote]引用第7楼eddeng于2010-04-12 18:16发表的  : I agree. Men who like being vague think they are cool, but they are really just sabotaging their personal growth and long term happiness.[/quote] Utterly agreed.  Which is why I now shut myself off completely.  我的心有一道墙,墙上没有一扇窗。
[quote]引用第8楼fairladyz于2010-04-12 19:07发表的  : Utterly agreed.  Which is why I now shut myself off completely.  我的心有一道墙,墙上没有一扇窗。[/quote] One thing I am not so sure: should ladies be a bit more vague than men? I wanted to say no, but tango would not be as sexy without ladies being a little vague in the beginning.
[quote]引用第9楼eddeng于2010-04-12 20:29发表的  : One thing I am not so sure: should ladies be a bit more vague than men? I wanted to say no, but tango would not be as sexy without ladies being a little vague in the beginning.[/quote] My lady wasn't vague at all.  She said straight and simple: 如果你有酒,现在就带过来。 And so I did. And she has become the best single best memory of my life.
[quote]引用第10楼fairladyz于2010-04-12 21:02发表的  : And she has become the best single best memory of my life. .......[/quote] First of all, I hope you will put "one of" before "the single best" in the future. Secondly, Let me get back on track of being vague. I think women shouldn't be vague in fundamental issues, but a little vagueness in applications could be really sexy.(disastrous consequence if over-done) Maybe I watched too much old school James Bond, who knows.
[quote]引用第6楼小熊跳舞于2010-04-12 17:32发表的  : 暧昧是火,玩火迟早会自焚的。 你和那些女生暧昧的终极原因其实就是你还不是那么喜欢,那么爱她们,如果你真的喜欢她们,就不会和她们玩暧昧,并且是背着你的女友玩暧昧,不可原谅~[/quote]
[quote]引用第11楼eddeng于2010-04-12 22:45发表的  : First of all, I hope you will put "one of" before "the single best" in the future. .......[/quote] Dude. You don't understand. She's DA BEST.  Period.  It's been almost 2 years and yet I feel just like day 1. Her apartment was sold last week.  Yesterday I went to move the last bit of her stuff away, and while standing in the hall way, where she used to walk, while standing in the bathroom where we used to hug in front of the mirror, I completely utterly got owned. Felt like the whole world was coming down on me. Sigh.
人,不能太把自己当回事也不能太不把自己当回事 当你有一天终于醒了的时候你会看明白很多 有些男人,狗屁不是,总是自作聪明 对女朋友要求苛刻,而且言不律己 把别人对他的好视为粪土。。。 真的好鄙视这样的男人
nice ID~~~~~~~~
[s:205]  [s:205]


[quote]引用第16楼刘氓于2010-04-13 18:09发表的  : nice ID~~~~~~~~[/quote] THX
[quote]引用第6楼小熊跳舞于2010-04-12 17:32发表的  : 暧昧是火,玩火迟早会自焚的。 你和那些女生暧昧的终极原因其实就是你还不是那么喜欢,那么爱她们,如果你真的喜欢她们,就不会和她们玩暧昧,并且是背着你的女友玩暧昧,不可原谅~[/quote] 男人,总是自以为是,自己觉得自己很了不起,这样的人往往最傻,摔得最惨
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