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[quote]引用第1楼keitayu于2010-03-05 10:19发表的 : mm你报名了么==||||。。。[/quote] 还没。。。。刚从国内回来。。。。
[quote]引用第2楼pureebear于2010-03-05 10:42发表的 : 我覺得你住metro附近,可以去我提議的那個老師~。他教室也在metro附近~。LPI的精髓 並不在於 華麗的文字~,只是一個文章的formula.懂了那個formula~substitute什麼進去都可以~。我的那個老師可以一對一,也可以一般人。有興趣~聯繫看看。 Langara的話,也可以考LET.~[/quote] 我之前在他那上过托福。。。我以为他不一对一呢
LPI 26 是level 4么 [s:199]
好久前考的。都不记得了。。 [s:205]
[quote]引用第5楼西欧于2010-03-05 15:11发表的 : LPI 26 是level 4么 [s:199][/quote] 应该是。。
[quote]引用第8楼keitayu于2010-03-06 09:57发表的 : ==100块一次啊。。。。==你考过米==||||||||[/quote] 没有啊。。。。昨晚才发现是100.。。。是不是涨价了。。?
...  记得以前是50 还是 100 ? 记不住了
默==我倒霉==|||||||今天去迟到了不让进。。。还要星期1打电话到办公室问怎么办。。。看能不能下次写。。。5555555.。。哭死啦。。。 [s:198]
I have been tutoring English grammar and composition for three years. Unlike most LPI tutors, I focus on skill development instead of short cuts that are not quite useful for the future. Most of my clients saw substantial improvement in their writing abilities and passed LPI or other tests with relative ease. I understand that people are different, but I do believe the ability to think in English is essential of English mastery. As a result, analytical composition is weighted as heavily as sentence level grammar. I am not going to give you formulas, and I am not going to do your work for you. I will hold the ladder but you need to do your own climbing. I expect commitment from my students and take great pleasure in their success. I charge 20$ an hour for group class,  and 30$ for private class. My email address is  [email]xiaolei.deng@gmail.com[/email]. Please contact me if you find my service valuable.
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