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跟女朋友办common law,她担保我,10月中递的境内,但是现在她父母反对了 

跟女朋友办common law,她担保我,10月中递的境内,但是现在她父母反对了

1.跟女朋友办common law,她担保我,10月中递的境内,但是现在她父母反对了,貌似找律师撤销,并且勒令她2月回国,,我工签明年5月就到期了,该怎么办啊?问了中介说父母撤销不代表我们意见,只会影响到签证率但不是绝对,单方回国就一定不行。可以通知移民局说女方有事回国了,这样有情面说么 2.还有据说三年工签最后一年的工作经验不算?只算前两年的。。 3.分手分财产,只是在加拿大境内的还是国内的一起算上? 谢了!!
你的第一点............偶不清楚...........帮不上忙..... 2.你有没有听说过你拿学生签证的时候,学习签证到其前半年的学分不算? 反正我没听说过还有最后一年工签经验不算一说的. 3.关于财产.....COMMON-LAW毕竟是和结婚不同的,COMMON-LAW分手,我举个例子说吧: 你们COMMON-LAW的时候,如果你买了一套房子,房子写在你的名字下面,那么分手的时候,房子就是你的! 有一种情况,你的女朋友可以和你分财产,一般来说就是你是家庭的经济主要来源,她在家里做家庭妇女,虽然她没有为房子出一毛钱,房子上的名字也没有她,但是作为家庭妇女,她操持家务,照顾你日常生活,法院就会认定她也对这套房子是有贡献的,换句话说,你能买的起这个房子也脱离不了她的努力,所以分手的时候,她如果向法院提出财产分割,法院会根据情况分给属于她的那一部分. 如果你和你女朋友COMMON-LAW之前,你拥有一套房子,那么分手的时候,这套房子和你女朋友没有关系.房子还是你的.按照上面的说法,她即使做了家庭妇女,照顾你,但是这套房子与她的努力没有关系. 要是房子写了两个人的名字.........应该是一半一半吧
common law如果律师信有的话等同于事实婚姻,享受所有婚姻保护,财产咨询律师吧,名下所有东西,不管哪里的。
Property rights are very different for people who choose to live common-law rather than getting married. Even though the law recognizes common-law relationships in many ways, the rules about dividing property do not apply to common-law couples. Generally, each of you owns whatever property you brought into the relationship and whatever you bought while you were together. What can be more complicated is sorting out the increased value of property owned by just one common-law spouse. If you and your partner lived in a common-law relationship, you do not have equal rights to the value of your matrimonial home. The home that you lived in as a couple belongs to the person whose name is on the title. You and your common-law partner could write a cohabitation agreement to set out how you would deal with property and debts if you separate. If you do not have a cohabitation agreement and you can not agree about how to divide your property, either one of you can go to court. You can ask a judge to award you a share of what you bought as a couple, or a share of the amount that the property increased during the relationship. To get this kind of award, you must be able to prove that you contributed to the accumulation or maintenance of the property. For example, you may get some money if you can prove that you paid some of the bills on your partner’s home, or that you added to the value of his business by providing free labour.
也许这个网站可以很直接的解决你的问题 [url]http://www.common-law-separation-canada.com/property-division.htm[/url]
对方如果不帮忙办,那没办法,自己办啦~不是还有一年的机会么 现在工作不好找,加油吧
sigh u screwed big time
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