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Accounting 题目: 一萬元天空币重赏! (巳解决, 謝謝!) 

Accounting 题目: 一萬元天空币重赏! (巳解决, 謝謝!)

题目如下: (deleted) 奖金将赠于最優秀的一位智者!
懒得看,帮你顶 [s:204]
[quote]引用楼主洋葱頭于2010-01-13 03:35发表的 Accounting 题目: 一萬元天空币重赏! : 题目如下: Assume you are applying for a [b]account payable clerk[/b]posting,   1.How would you respond to complaints for non-payment of accounts by a) vendors and b) other departments? .......[/quote] 1: investigate reason why not paying the supplier, whether it is internal control issue or error by AP 2: able to improve stakeholder relationship by providing timely response FYI, payable in NOT accounting
[s:201]  [s:201]  [s:201]  [s:201]  [s:201]  [attachment=303083]
[quote]引用第2楼versace于2010-01-13 11:19 AM发表的  : 1: investigate reason why not paying the supplier, whether it is internal control issue or error by AP 2: able to improve stakeholder relationship by providing timely response .......[/quote] 高度感谢 Versace 的启发性回答... 但是答案好像短了一点... 可以长尽点吗?
[quote]引用第5楼drdi于2010-01-16 03:01 PM发表的  : 请问有Intermediate Accounting, 8th Canadian Edition, Volume 1和managerial accounting 8th edition garrison的solution manual 卖么[/quote] sorry, I don't have them... you might try Craigslist: [url]http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/[/url] Or the market place in Facebook! Good luck!
~~用中文回答可以么?我英文不好 1对vendors,必须强调大家的利益是一致的,我们最终面对的都是顾客,要让我们共同获得利益和收益,只有我们不可以,只有你供货商也不行,所以,委婉地向对方表示现在的困难需要一起克服,要多多展望前景,不能让其丧失信心。对其他部门,必须强调自己公司的信誉是值得信赖的,可以列举不同的例子来解释,款项的拖延只是暂时的,并且可以出示相应的展示公司实力的文件和数据。 2 这个职位必须具有足够的忍耐力,说服力,自信心还有持续温和的态度,另外熟悉公司的结构与经营特性,善于缓解对方激动的心情,是对方恢复信心,能够处理突发事件的能力也是需要的~~~~~~~所以,你说自己都具备这样的能力就可以了~
謝謝 versace & pippip 這二位智者, 奖金已送出, 請笑納!
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