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新手用5D II拍成这个样子,是不是需要配个闪光灯呢? 

新手用5D II拍成这个样子,是不是需要配个闪光灯呢?

终于在昨天宝宝生日的时候买回了5DII 带24-70的镜头,拿回来放在自动档上象傻瓜相机样狂拍了上百张,都是晚上拍的,出来的片子朦胧模糊不太清晰,色彩我还是很喜欢。是不是需要配个闪光灯呢?或者是否需要后期PS下?上张原图,请大家帮忙看下 另外5DII是不是不适合拍快速运动的东西呢,宝宝手脚经常一晃就拍模糊了,我用手动档把快门加快后好点,但是图片变黑了。[s:199]
是相機拿不穩糊了,不要用自動檔,可用TV檔1/60秒安全快門拍,室內拍人像最好買多支Sigma 50 f1.4或者canon EF 35mm f1.4 L來拍.
24-70的光圈最大是2.8, 你试试把ISO推上400 or 800, 闪光灯其实不太好,近距离的会让人曝光太夸张 [s:200]
[url]http://www.kenrockwell.com/canon/5d-mk-ii.htm[/url] 这个推荐你看下,另外我对比了下T1i和5DII,我发现5DII的模式转轮上有三个是C档,是需要你自己来设定的;而T1i的转轮就有更多的模式,比如运动和夜间,这个对新手也说,就要更user-friendly.
谢谢楼上各位的回复,我猜第一天试机真的是手没拿稳才模糊的,那东西太重了,经过这几天的学习(我在网上找到了一套全中文的说明书),感觉有了不少的进步,我现在用TV檔1/400秒能拍出凝固的水滴了,真的太高兴了。另外我发现越明亮的地方,快门的范围数值可以变的更大,越暗的地方ISO推大效果不理想,而且ISO越大图片质量变的越差。 昨天我试用了录象功能,出来的效果让我觉得这钱花的真值得,很清晰色彩很漂亮,唯一还有点搞不懂的是怎么自动对焦,我在房间走动录象时,也要手动移动焦距才行,有没有方法录象的时候全自动都录的很清楚呢?是不是那些专业拍录象的全部都是手动慢慢对焦? [s:194]
[url]http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc/controller?act=GetArticleAct&articleID=2186[/url] Focusing in Movie Mode Focusing is a powerful creative tool in both still and moving images: Along with composition, movement, and lighting, focus helps to manipulate your viewers' eyes to the most important element of the frame. It is possible to focus a Canon EF lens manually or [size=5][u]automatically [/u][/size]while capturing a movie with the EOS 5D Mark II camera. For example, when the 5D Mark II is set for Live Mode AF or Face Detection Live Mode AF in Live View, it is possible to autofocus the lens before or during a movie clip by pressing the camera’s AF ON button. However, we recommend focusing before the movie begins for the following reasons:     * The speed of AF in these modes may seem slow to the average viewer if it is performed while recording a movie.     * Live Mode AF with or without Face Detection is a locking type of autofocus; it cannot track a subject moving towards or away from the camera.     * Depending on the lighting conditions, there may be a change in exposure level while AF is being performed.     * If you are using the camera’s internal microphone, it will pick up the sound of the lens’s focusing motor while AF is being performed, resulting in unwanted audible clicking noise. Therefore, from an aesthetic perspective, you may find it more practical to autofocus the lens before recording begins. Of course, remember that it’s also possible to focus manually at any time. This can come in handy when you want total control of the lens' speed and timing -- for example, to transition from a sharply focused image to a blurred one (or vice versa); to follow a moving subject; or to rack focus between different planes in your shot (i.e. foreground to background). The EOS 5D Mark II’s 3-inch, 920,000 dot Clear View LCD screen makes it easy to focus and compose images with its brilliant, sharp display. Additionally, it’s possible to superimpose fine or coarse grids as a compositional aid, and it’s also possible to superimpose a semitransparent border for 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratios. 这一段说了你遇到的问题.
[quote]引用第7楼roserain于2010-01-10 17:50发表的  : 谢谢楼上各位的回复,我猜第一天试机真的是手没拿稳才模糊的,那东西太重了,经过这几天的学习(我在网上找到了一套全中文的说明书),感觉有了不少的进步,我现在用TV檔1/400秒能拍出凝固的水滴了,真的太高兴了。另外我发现越明亮的地方,快门的范围数值可以变的更大,越暗的地方ISO推大效果不理想,而且ISO越大图片质量变的越差。 昨天我试用了录象功能,出来的效果让我觉得这钱花的真值得,很清晰色彩很漂亮,唯一还有点搞不懂的是怎么自动对焦,我在房间走动录象时,也要手动移动焦距才行,有没有方法录象的时候全自动都录的很清楚呢?是不是那些专业拍录象的全部都是手动慢慢对焦? [s:194][/quote] good good, keep on learning [s:200]
你孩子梳个西式头应该效果会好很多 ! 现在女性照相涂眼线,贴睫毛,涂眼影,卷头发,那是不亦乐乎。   孩子照相嘛,造个型也是有必要的。你说呢?哈哈
[quote]引用第10楼tomas于2010-01-11 11:07发表的  : 你孩子梳个西式头应该效果会好很多 ! 现在女性照相涂眼线,贴睫毛,涂眼影,卷头发,那是不亦乐乎。   孩子照相嘛,造个型也是有必要的。你说呢?哈哈[/quote] not really ba?? wear a good hat is also an option [s:200]
[quote]引用第11楼kamikazez于2010-01-11 11:58发表的  : not really ba?? wear a good hat is also an option [s:200][/quote] 听尤物的!女的对这方面比男的了解得多 呵呵
真有这个功能啊,太好了!我刚才按照说明书似乎弄出来了,不过后来机器没电突然停了,还不能确定,迟点我再试。。。谢谢! [quote]引用第8楼大大大笨熊于2010-01-10 18:52发表的  : [url]http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc/controller?act=GetArticleAct&articleID=2186[/url] Focusing in Movie Mode Focusing is a powerful creative tool in both still and moving images: Along with composition, movement, and lighting, focus helps to manipulate your viewers' eyes to the most important element of the frame. It is possible to focus a Canon EF lens manually or [size=5][u]automatically [/u][/size]while capturing a movie with the EOS 5D Mark II camera. .......[/quote]
我家娃头发硬着呢,大部分的时候头发向上竖着,梳不了西式头,呵呵! [quote]引用第10楼tomas于2010-01-11 11:07发表的  : 你孩子梳个西式头应该效果会好很多 ! 现在女性照相涂眼线,贴睫毛,涂眼影,卷头发,那是不亦乐乎。   孩子照相嘛,造个型也是有必要的。你说呢?哈哈[/quote]
还是手动对焦好 速度快
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