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Anyone as lazy as I? 

Anyone as lazy as I?

I am so lazy: too lazy to making friends, too lazy to hanging out. Spending most of my time watching dramas, reality shows. Is there any one as lazy as I?
i was gonna jump on it and say yes.....but..no..not really... I would like to be...but unfortunately I don't have the privilege of sit around and do nothing all day.. [s:205]
Hello bunnyface, I am thinking playing ping pang at table tennis club in burnaby. ping pang is quite easy game :) maybe you can join in me someday.
[s:201]  [s:201]
[quote]引用第2楼happylucky于2010-04-03 22:51发表的 : Hello bunnyface, I am thinking playing ping pang at table tennis club in burnaby. ping pang is quite easy game :) maybe you can join in me someday.[/quote] lol, that was random, actually table tennis is highly skilled sport. but sure, I always take on offers by strangers to a match of table tennis (btw, I totally suck at it so you better be as bad as I am!!) haha~
count me in ?
有次在家里看电视,我妈妈走过看到我没开灯.问我说:'怎么不开灯,眼睛看坏了要'. 我姿势都没变回答:懒的开. 我妈问:'那你不叫我帮你开下?'. 我回答:懒的问
不要跟我比懒,我懒得跟你比。。。。 PS: 最懒的那些人你永远不会知道。。因为他们懒得回复。。哈哈哈
我就是这样子的人............ [s:205] 其实内心是想有朋友出去玩的,可就是太懒了
Hahaha! Cool I am not the only lazy person in this city. Yes, some people even too lazy to replying back.  I don't eat apples because I don't want to peel the skin.
thats called 宅 not lazy LOL
[size=7]宅[/size] [s:236][s:236]
i wanna play pingpong toooooooooooo
我唯一不懒的事,应该就是check pps for updates [s:205]
[quote]引用第13楼怕高的甜食于2010-04-04 22:11发表的  : 我唯一不懒的事,应该就是check pps for updates [s:205][/quote] 什么PPS啊,看国内电视的嘛,介绍一下啊
[quote]引用第14楼cloud_zhou于2010-04-04 22:19发表的  : 什么PPS啊,看国内电视的嘛,介绍一下啊[/quote] 恩,PPS,网络电视 好多阿,欧美的剧也有,电影,韩剧,blah blah blah
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