something happened at Sears
今天是我来加国最emotional的一天,想和同是生活在这里的中国人分享。今天我,母亲和才23个月的女儿去richmond center 的sears,刚进入sears,女儿就开始玩她的小凉鞋,刚刚帮她穿上,她又脱掉,无奈中只好脱掉整双鞋,包好放在babycart 内。我刚站直身,旁边一位白人老太太就冲口一句:so stupid!(她脸上的表情净是厌恶之色。其实在帮女儿穿鞋之时,我已注意这位老太太站在一旁,但当时有些人在附近shopping,也没太在意。)我当时脑门一冲血,很不开心,我用英文反问一句:Excuse me ,what did you just say ?这位老太太愣了一下,马上满脸堆笑,“she is cute。“我真是气愤了。“you didn't say this ,you were saying my kid is so stupid! Why you say that to a 23 months old baby? why you are saying that to my kid? I speak English .I know what you said exactly.”我真是气愤到了极点。我想天下所有的为人父母都会象我一样去保护自己的孩子。我的大声怒斥声引来几个客人,其中一位貌似INDIAN 的用英文劝说我不要理她了,当我试图冷静下来一些。另一位白人中年女人jump into the conversation,她说我INSULTING 这位白人老太太,不应和老人争执。我的忍无可忍,到底是谁INSULT谁?"I do not insult her ,she was insulting my kid and me .I don't know her .Anything between me and my kid is none of her business! Why she said "stupid" to a 23 months baby,she is really hurting my feel.she is a mature adult and she should be more reasonable , not that mean and that visious for a baby. This is multi-curturial country,everyone is equal.I work hard ,I pay for my tax every year,I respect people and I want people respect me in turn.Do you have any kids or are you someone's kid ,if someone say your kids "stupid",what do you do ?!"那位白人老太太终于开口说:‘’I am sorry,ok!"那种语气是勉强的,"You should be !" 我真的很气愤,试想一想,如果我不会说英文,今天的事情又会怎么样?这些所谓的高等次的人只会更变本加厉。我移民来到加国10 多年,我喜欢这个国家,我希望和所有人一样得到和享受应有的尊重和权利。